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not just kinky, we're kooky too

Films may have been in black and white but the world we live in certainly isn’t. At 15shadesofgrey, we explore the grey areas that movies capture and those that often leave us with more questions than answers.

Since I grew up with them, South Korean and Tamil cinema hold a special place in my heart. Hence, this blog will primarily be dedicated to discussing films of those two genres. Both Korea and India have the same independence day, just a year apart, 15 August 1947 (India) and 15 August 1948 (South Korea). And so, the pun on 15 instead of 50 in the title.

This blog is well aware of the gravitas behind these dates and of the impact of Colonialism, the World Wars and Capitalism in tearing apart these countries from the inside-out (i.e. Partition and The Korean War). Bearing this in mind, 15shades will mainly discuss class, race, gender, psychoanalysis and pop culture. If you’re thinking, wow such millennial, much left-leaning, you’re absolutely right! But mind you, I hate brunch.

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